Deploying a Flask App with an HTML Frontend on a VPS with a Next.js Program (Step-by-Step Guide)

Deploying a Flask App with an HTML Frontend on a VPS with a Next.js Program (Step by Step Guide)

Introduction Deploying your Flask application alongside a Next.js program on a VPS can seem daunting, but with a step-by-step approach, it becomes manageable. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of setting up your VPS to run both your Flask and Next.js applications. Prerequisites Before we begin, make sure you have the following: Step 1: Set Up Your VPS Connect to Your VPS First, connect to your VPS using SSH. Open your terminal and enter: Replace your_username and your_vps_ip with your actual VPS username and IP address. Update and Install Dependencies Update your package list and install necessary dependencies: Step 2: Deploy Your Flask App Clone Your Flask App Repository Navigate to the directory where you want to store your application and clone your Flask app repository: Replace your_flask_app_repository with the URL of your Flask app repository. Set Up a Virtual Environment Create and activate a Python virtual environment: Install Flask and Other Dependencies Install the required packages from your requirements.txt file: Configure Gunicorn Install Gunicorn, a Python WSGI HTTP server: Create a Gunicorn systemd service file: Add the following configuration to the file: Replace your_username and your_flask_app_repository with your actual username and Flask app directory. Start and Enable the Service Start and enable the Flask app service: Step 3: Deploy Your Next.js App Clone Your Next.js App Repository Navigate to the directory where you want to store your application and clone your Next.js app repository: Replace your_nextjs_app_repository with the URL of your Next.js app repository. Install Node.js and npm If Node.js and npm are not already installed, install them: Install Dependencies and Build Install your Next.js app dependencies and build the application: Configure PM2 Use PM2 to manage your Next.js app: Step 4: Configure Nginx Create an Nginx Configuration File Create an Nginx configuration file for your applications: Add the following configuration to the file: Replace your_domain_or_ip, your_flask_app_repository, and your_nextjs_app_repository with your actual domain or IP address and repository directories. Enable the Configuration and Restart Nginx Enable the Nginx configuration and restart the service: Step 5: Access Your Applications Your Flask application should now be accessible at http://your_domain_or_ip/flask, and your Next.js application should be accessible at http://your_domain_or_ip. Troubleshooting Common Issues Useful Commands Conclusion By following these steps, you should have successfully deployed your Flask app alongside a Next.js application on your VPS. This setup ensures both applications can run simultaneously, providing a robust and efficient deployment solution.